It’s overwhelming to think that you’re finally in college. You come home after a long day from school, freshen up, sometimes watch the never-ending show Ang Probinsyano, you cook dinner on your own, go to bed, and something hits you–this doesn’t feel right.

The door way that used to be your mother’s waiting area to welcome you home is empty, the food tastes bland, and the bed that was normally your relaxation zone isn’t so comfortable anymore.

Living on your own can seem quite overwhelming at first but you’ll get used to it. You’ll gain independence and survival skills that will absolutely help you in the years to come. You’ll learn to take care of yourself. You’ll have freedom, and with that freedom, you’ll also gain more obligations that will teach you become a better person. You’ll discover something about yourself that you have never known before.

College has always been a life-changing experience for most of us. As frightening yet exciting as it sounds, it isn’t that crazy or scary as they make it seem and sound like. Entering college means a clean slate, leaving your comfort zone, and adjusting to a new one. Although we would sometimes crave for familiarity, diving into the unknown is actually a lot more fun and enthusing.

For most of the time, we’ll be strolling around, and wandering off places to feel that we belong. Later on, we get used to it. Soon, we will blend into the busy circles of handouts and highlighters. We will learn how to be fearless with our bare faces and how our eyes would look so expensive with our hard-earned eye bags from sleepless nights, procrastination, and last-minute cramming for our deadlines. We will learn a lot.

The most amazing thing of all is that we will meet new people throughout the journey, some of them unknowingly and unexpectedly becoming someone significant in our future.

So what, again, is the trouble with college?

For many, trouble starts before college even begins: picking the right course. This is the time of our lives when society pressures you into making a spontaneous decision for your future. There are people who are fortunate enough to know exactly what they want to do. There are also those hanging by the cliff, unable to decide which track they should follow – and that’s okay.

So chill. I’ve been there, and believe me when I say: it’s just college, don’t let it get to you. Looking for that one thing you’re passionate about and what you want to do for the rest of your life make up just a small percentage of your life. There are more things ahead of you. What will matter more will be the people you choose to be with along the way. After all, they are the ones that make the journey worth it.

The shift from high school to college is a bit scary, but it doesn’t have to be.

Don’t worry, you’ll get over your freshmen (or senior) blues. Soon, you’ll be looking back on the early days and you may very well face palm and shake your head wondering what all the worry and fuss was about. You might even feel a little nostalgic!

Open yourself to the adventure. College is a time for experimenting. In the years to come, you’ll meet different people from different regions, and with them will be the walwalan and the parties and the road trips to all places unknown. It could be a once in a lifetime thing, something you’ll remember for the rest of your life. It will be fun.

By all means, have a good time, but keep in mind why you are in the university in the first place. Make intelligent choices. The key is balance; the rest will fall into place. Remember that with great freedom comes great responsibility.

College may seem tough, but trust me, with the responsible choices, it can turn out to be the best years of your life.

Editor's Note: This was featured in the 2018-2019 magazine

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