For our last  #TatakViscan story, we feature the life of Daryl Lee Pepito, an environmental science student, and Kit Felian Tenio, an environmental scientist, two proud products of the university that champions excellence in the realm of environmental conservation.

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The yoke rests heavily behind the carabao's horns, the orange sun glaring between the gaps. Pandaguan lies motionless as Captan and Maguayen punish him with lightning bolts. A single eye, filled with fear, witnesses the unknown as it is slowly revealed from a torn painting. In contrast, a young girl plays on the beach, building the future with her hands, one sandcastle at a time.

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Money makes the world go round—such is the saying that people nowadays live up to. After all, money does play a role in our everyday lives – from supplying our daily needs, to buying food for yourself or your friends, the list goes on. However, receiving money may be easy, but the work you must do to earn it is not.

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The Solidarity Night was the culmination of the VSU-CoN’s three-day Nursing Solidarity Days, themed "Celebrating Our Calling: Healing Hands and United Hearts!" held from March 20 to 22, which was aimed to foster unity and camaraderie among nursing students amidst their busy schedules.


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Visayas State University is the proud home of champions, representing the University in tournaments both at regional and national levels. Not only do they bring glory, they also bring excellence to the academic field. This #TatakViscan article will glimpse into the life of Viscan varsity players through the lenses of Lara Jetcah Tulin, a 3rd year BS in Chemistry student and table tennis player; and Ms. Hilda Pedrera, VSUIHS instructor and coach of the VSU Chess Varsity team.

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The College of Veterinary Medicine aims to deliver the “best education possible to its graduates, equipping them with 21st century and Industry 4.0 knowledge and skills to be able to carry out the duties of safeguarding animal health, public health, and the environment in both local and international settings.” This vision was met with exemplary execution throughout the years, constantly producing brilliant graduates who top the Veterinary Medicine Licensure Examination (VMLE) and outstanding veterinarians who shine in their respective fields, both locally and abroad.

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Every college student at VSU has surely experienced the dilemma of managing their daily, weekly, and even monthly allowance. With the consistent increase in the price of goods in the market, students are always challenged to adjust their preferences to match their budget; it is a harsh reality that every Viscan struggles to face. A lot of students even go to extreme measures just to save money, such as skipping meals, and even resorting to unhealthy saving habits due to stress brought on by a limited allowance. With this in mind, let us look at different strategies to save money without having to compromise your health.    

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As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, we primarily circulate our vocabularies around “love”, “forever” and all the terms that one would find cheesy on a regular basis. While we cringe when we see a display of one’s love in public, we also ironically ingrain this belief that every person must, at some point in their life, find “the one”.

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Behind the promise of convenience, is a threat to the ecosystem that we continue to plague with our waste and horrid actions.

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Food preferences vary from person to person and are rooted from the influence of our culture and environment. From the savory flavors of the sea to the eccentric tastes of food in the land markets; food is everywhere to be found yet many people are still hungry. 

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Living in a campus dormitory is considered by most students as a great privilege and a significant part of University life.

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Feel mo rin ba ang init? 

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"Water, Earth, Fire, Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked." Are you familiar with this iconic intro? If you are, then glad to have you back, co-bender! If not yet, then welcome to the Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA) universe. In an era of democracy, will a kid’s journey to saving the world still prevail and be relevant in teaching values of empathy and kindness? Hold on to your cabbages, ‘cause the Avatar is back! And as a superfan of the series, here is everything that geeks me out about it.

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In the dim recesses of a cellar, amidst trembling shadows and stifled sobs, three priests—Mariano Gomez (portrayed by Dante Rivero), Jose Burgos (portrayed by Cedrick Juan), and Jacinto Zamora (portrayed by Enchong Dee)—stand as harbingers of a nation's anguish. Their faces, etched with fear, confront the chilling inevitability of their fate—a fate that will solidify their names in the household of Filipino martyrdom. "GomBurZa," a haunting symphony of sorrow and sacrifice, directed by the visionary Pepe Diokno, beckons us into a world of injustice, betrayal, and the unyielding quest for the identity of the Filipino people during Spanish rule.

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It’s a grand time to be alive when famous anime have simultaneously begun and ended. Attack on Titan finale, SpyxFamily Season 2 opening, Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2— you name it, you have it. With all the advent and denouement of these animes, it’s no surprise that people of all ages have been going onto streaming sites just to catch up on their favorite episodes. Yet, have you ever wondered why this type of media genre is still so famous, despite its existence 100 (yes, a hundred!) years ago?

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The 72nd Miss Universe 2023 competition in El Salvador has just ended, and as an avid pageant fanatic, I need to vent. Miss Universe is a pageant I hold near and dear to my heart. It’s a yearly thing of mine to watch out for what’s happening in each year’s competition: the highlights and the low blows of the night, and I’d like to share an honest overview of how the pageant went for me. Don’t worry, we can agree to disagree, but valid points will be spilled, so take a straw and sip responsibly.

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From civilians transformed to mindless titans to survey corps killed for the benefit of humanity, to genocide committed for the slights long passed, we examine the ethics of sacrifice. Is it inevitable? Is it worth it? Do the ends justify the means?

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Dormers from Kanlaon-Sampaguita-Mahogany (KASAMMA), Coconut Federation and Ilang-Ilang (COFILANG), and United Lower Campus (ULC) came together to showcase their athletic and artistic prowess, celebrating their extraordinary abilities while emphasizing the strong sense of camaraderie that binds them.

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The College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) took a giant leap towards modernized learning with the official launch of its first Smart Classroom on November 30, 2023. This significant event marked the culmination of DALL's English Month celebration, which carried the theme "English as a Global Language, Building Cultures, and Connecting the World."

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This year’s Ginoong Malakas and Binibining Maganda pageant saw the emergence of a Gladiator and a Dragon amongst the finest beauties and brawns of the university. As these two take center stage, let us get to know them even more through their journey of becoming the newest faces of VSU. 

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With every new semester comes the same old predicament for both ongoing and new Viscans; ‘I don’t have a place to stay yet’. Whether you are an incoming freshman or transferee who did not apply or was not accepted to an in-campus dormitory, or you are an old student who got evicted from the dorms and/or wishes to move to a new place, you are all going to face the same obstacle. And this issue is further aggravated as the Viscan population continues to increase each year, so finding adequate accommodation for students has grown to be a more dreadful process. 

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With a variety of choices of places to eat in the bustling Visayas State University, it is with no doubt that it can be an arduous endeavor to look for the perfect spot that will satisfy your grumbling stomach. It adds more struggle when waiting in long queues amidst jam-packed cafeterias and eateries. However, tucked away from the public sight is a restaurant unlike any other that thrives under the management skills of talented and skilled BS Hospitality and Management students. 

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Graphics by Ciann Renel Cazar

Pio Paolo Fernandez from the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and Honey Pie Tagon from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) hailed as the newest titleholders of Mr. and Ms. VSU 2023, respectively. As surreal as it may be to become representatives of the region’s top university, the path to these coveted crowns was no walk in the park. 

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What do you want for Christmas?

We all have different ways of spending the holidays and we try to spend it as merry as possible. We hang Christmas lights, cook sweet delights, and fill the air with jingle bells or Mariah Carey’s voice singing her heart out saying she wants you for Christmas.

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One of the things that makes life dreadful is realizing that the things you love to do can burn you out, too.

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Before entering college, one of the goals that we usually set for ourselves is to maintain a regular student status until graduation, to not have a hard time figuring out which subject to take during enrollment since we could easily follow a block schedule, earn a Latin honor if we worked and studied hard enough, or spend our college life facing new challenges and making fond memories. Then something shifts, and you find yourself different from who you were when you first started college.

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[This is a story of someone whose greatest loves are coffee and bread and who attempted (in many ways) to understand love in college a little better.]

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Photo Courtesy of Gian Carlo Cordero

There have been reports recently of strange sightings of relatively small yet elusive snakes lurking in certain areas of the campus. Some have reported seeing it slithering through the grass and trees of the VSU Eco Park, while others claim that it has been spotted scaling the premises of the Department of Liberal Arts and Sciences (DLABS). Words about the sightings were quick to spread, and so did panic. But what do we know about these reptiles? And does it pose a danger to the Viscan community?

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Nais sana naming magbahagi ng isa sa mga nagawang isulat dahil sa mga module na pinaghirapang buoin ng ating mga guro.

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