There have been words going around about how our planet’s inner core stopped spinning when it didn’t. It just rotates slower than the rest of the layers that lie above it. Scientists find a surprising observation – that its rotation is nearly ceasing and may be experiencing a turning-back – like a car maneuvering before turning to the other direction and then rushing along with the rest of the cars in the adjacent lane.
This is no science fiction. Really, if burning of fossil fuels such as coals are not minimized, the situation above would not be superficial as it now appears to be.
We need to think before we leap, let us be informed and prepared because the best prevention of the disease is by being well-informed.
“The quickest way to handicap the brain is to deprive it of sleep. If university students are trying to do a good job and be successful, they ought to give sleeping a first priority if they want to use brains.” - Dr. Stanley Harris
So, how's your sleep last night?