
Today, July 20, marks the 55th year of mankind’s victory as the Apollo 11 boarded by two famous names - Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin reached the surface of the moon. As they left their footmark, their steps, they know that this historic event propels humanity towards a new era. 

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Gender dysphoria is not an illness but rather a disorder as this causes a domino effect within personal and social relationships of an individual. The idea of being a nonconformist to the traditional heteronormativity causes stigma and a clashing of beliefs. This leads to feeling bad for themselves, giving them anxiety, depression, possible substance abuse, and leading to self-harm.

In the past few days, posts circulating in social media say that there will be global blackouts and the so-called ‘internet apocalypse’ because of these solar superstorms, alarming the world for the worst and negatively affecting every ounce of our lifestyle as a netizen especially for the Philippines as we are notoriously heralded as ‘The Social Media Capital of the World’. News burst out that a heavy solar superstorm is near and approaching, and will wipe out the internet without proper context. 

Graphics by Ciann Renel Cazar

Picture this: you started your day with the sun shining by your window with no sign of rain clouds ahead. It’s the perfect day to wear your new Viscan OOTD. Yet, upon stepping into the university grounds, a flash of rain decides to drench your outfit.

Should we plant trees? Of course, we should, but the answer is not as straightforward as we might think. As Viscans, it should be second nature for us to be acquainted with the basic concepts of environmental science.

In the ever-evolving world of cosmetics, makeup enthusiasts continuously seek innovative and affordable beauty hacks. Hidden in the depths of every household lies an unsung hero that has been serving beauty enthusiasts for decades: baby powder. Beyond its traditional use in infant care, baby powder has emerged as a surprising and effective alternative in the world of makeup. It is  a go-to product for every student on a budget who desires to maintain a fresh appearance amid a very hectic school schedule. 

There have been words going around about how our planet’s inner core stopped spinning when it didn’t. It just rotates slower than the rest of the layers that lie above it. Scientists find a surprising observation – that its rotation is nearly ceasing and may be experiencing a turning-back – like a car maneuvering before turning to the other direction and then rushing along with the rest of the cars in the adjacent lane.

Everybody has their special someone to share this moment, and you… don’t… How would you feel? This month of December is supposed to be a resting season and instead, the celebration during the holidays becomes an ultimate stressor. 

Campus walking has not only been cemented (no pun intended) in Viscan culture but also in other universities the world over. Science concludes that people are willing to walk as far as 400 meters or more if they are given the proper environment that encourages them to do so. Opting to participate in this physical activity is beneficial to the health of individuals as they are encouraged to exercise; it does not produce a carbon footprint; it transports one to their destination free of charge; and one may even gain a sense of community in walking (such as when you meet a colleague on the same path and you create a productive conversation).

Since the discussion around the appeal of walking has been circulating, it inevitably invites the question: what deems a location walkable, and in our case, as university students, a campus?