When the pandemic started to threaten the safety of the students, the Visayas State University (VSU) opted for alternative measures to continue education with minimal compromise to its quality. Instead of implementing an Academic freese, VSU offered online and modular modality for a more inclusive approach to education.
The transition was new and we all had different experiences. There were many first times and a lot of adjustments have been made. But after rigorous months, we are already down with half of the semester.
With one more quarter to go before the semester ends, more adjustments will be made as this kind of setting still knows no end.
BSF-2 student Kirstie Marie Lora, expresses her gratefulness to her professors for being understanding and lenient towards their modules.
“I struggled to manage my assessments and learning tasks because I believe that it was much better if I was being taught by my teachers. I do not know if I am learning the right concepts. However, I am so fortunate that I have understanding professors for they never put pressure on us. Kudos to them!”
Nino Paolo Roto, a third-year AB English student, shares his experience during their midterm exam and how he was able to handle the pressure he felt.
“My midterm experience under modular class was pressuring and fulfilling at the same time. I just remained calm but pressured because I do not know what will happen since this is our first time in this kind of system. I was nervous because our exam was conducted through an online platform and had limited time. But it was fulfilling as well, because I managed to finish my exam. I just lifted everything to God that whatever may be the result, I will accept it wholeheartedly for I know that I did my best.”
A freshman BS Agribusiness student, Precious Grace Arribal also narrates her depressing but funny experience during their midterm exam.
“During the midterm exams, I was nervous not because of what the exams would be. But because I did not learn much from the lessons in my modules. I was uncertain and it was depressing. But I end up laughing at myself because I already know what the results would be and you cannot do anything but learn from the experience.”
Engineering sophomore Jay Fernandez expresses his concern on the quality of learning through online mode during the midterms.
“It is way too far from what I had learned during the face-to-face classes. Time management is a struggle because work keeps piling up and keeping up with the deadlines is hard. I am also not sure if I am learning these lessons right. Some subjects do not have pre-recorded videos which should have helped because what is written on the modules is confusing. Plus, I am not only a student but also a brother and a son. I can’t devote my 24 hours to my studies because I also have responsibilities at home.”
BSCS-1 Jarred Lee Lepit expressed his disappointment in the online mode of learning for it shows no difference with the modular mode of learning but is appreciative to his instructors who made an effort for their discussion.
“It was not like how I expected it to be. I opted for the online mode but it felt like it was a modular way of learning in an online platform. But kudos to the teachers/professors who did their best to give us online discussions and forums for questions. Though, I am disappointed with the few who did not even bother to have an online discussion. They just gave us piles of work for the rest of the term. Overall, I am not satisfied with the learning experience that I have been receiving during the midterm.”
Freshman student Kyra Notarte feels comfortable with online class but admits that this is not the best setting for her.
“I am comfortable with online learning because I get to create my study schedule, study at my own pace, sleep more, and give time to my hobbies. But I agree with what most people say - online classes are not easy and it is difficult where some students claim it to be ineffective. The most pressing concern is internet connectivity, and I can attest to that. We are also given loads of tasks which at some point I consider unrealistic.”
Today’s educational setting is out of most student’s comfort zones. The transition was never easy and we all hope we could soon revert back to normal. But as the COVID-19 pandemic still remains a threat, adjusting to the new normal is our only option.
But let us remind ourselves that changing the educational landscape is not a solution but a temporary patch on an existing problem. A more pressing question is now asking us. How long can we keep up with this kind of system?
Margraf von Jean Eslopor contibuted on this story.