The annual Open House event of VSU’s University Inter-Dormitory Student Body (UISB) once again caused the inflow of tons of instagrammable photographs in social media with its theme, “Insta-Dorm.”
This year’s Open House competition came with a new mechanics to recognize both the Best Dormitory and Best Cottage of the year. In his speech during the opening ceremony last February 8, Margraf von Jean Eslopor, UISB President, said that their decision to separate the awards for the dormitories and cottages is for fairness considering the huge difference of population in these different housing types.
“To promote fairness, amo gilahi [ang award] so that there would be equal chances of winning. Kay sa dorm, more heads and more hands. Sa cottage naman it’s the exact opposite.”
[We decided to give separate awards to promote fairness and equal chances of winning. Dorms and cottages face different situations. The dorms have more heads and more hands, while it is the other way around for the cottages.]
Eslopor added that the goal of the event is to bring fun to first year students who are mostly new to the experience.
“We, in the council, wanted to show everyone that living in dorms and cottages is fun. We want the Open House to be memorable for the freshmen.”
Once again victorious, Rosal Cottage, is hailed as the Best Cottage of 2019; followed by the Gumamela and Bougainvillea cottages respectively.
Mulberry Men’s Home obtained this year’s Best Dormitory title, with Mabolo Men’s Home at second place, and Cattleya Ladies’ Home at third place.
The awarding for the Best Dormitory and Best Cottage will take place in the upcoming UISB Sportsfest this April.