Campus News

The Centicore Vanguard emerged victorious at this year's Ginoong Malakas at Binibining Maganda 2024 pageant. From this unrivaled faction hails both the finest beauty and the most formidable might. As they passionately share the advocacies that resonate deeply within their hearts, let us delve deeper into their journey of personifying the true spirit of a vanguard, one who loudly and proudly spark change.

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After Tropical Storm Kristine caused its delay, the Salingkusog fever is back on a high as the opening ceremony for this year’s intramural games officially set the stage for sportsmanship and camaraderie today, October 28, at the Visayas State University (VSU) Upper Oval.

The new guidelines in question impose that only students who have passed all first and second year subjects are eligible to partake in the annual pinning ceremony. The information about this new change was only officially disseminated last August of this year. 

The Visayas State University - Society of Agribusiness Students (VSU - SABS) team has been selected as one of the six semi-finalists to compete in the Youth Leaders of Agribusiness Congress (YLAC) 2024 at the University of the Philippines Los Baños (UPLB) this coming June 19 to 21.

President Yepes began her speech by reflecting on VSU's Centennial Celebration, marking a century of dedication to education and community, with events like the Kaugmaran Festival, Aquathlon, Fun Run, UGMAD Awards, Partner’s Day, and the Outstanding Viscans Awards. 

This year’s theme, “Thread of Togetherness: Weaving Unity Beyond Diversity,” hopes to explore while celebrating the rich tapestry of what the unique Mulberrian community offers.

Following a 15-year hiatus, the 6th edition of the Grand Kaugmaran Festival Street Dancing and Showdown 2024 was relaunched by the Institute of Human Kinetics (IHK) to celebrate the Visayas State University (VSU) Centennial Founding Anniversary featuring contingents from five VSU campuses and one from Ormoc City last April 26, at the VSU Main Campus Grounds.

Attended by almost 200 faculty, the World Teacher’s Day event was spearheaded by the VSU Faculty Advancement Network (VSU FAN) with the assistance of the University Supreme Student Council (USSC) and student leaders from different colleges at the RDE Hall last Wednesday, October 3.

Ilaida will be representing all five campuses within the VSU system with his new role as Student Regent being the voice of the student body across the university.

Visayas State University (VSU) Grand Centennial Fun Run and Half-Marathon recorded a historic high turnout of participants, with almost 3,000 runners joining the event, held last April 21 at the VSU Upper Oval Grounds with routes encompassing nearby communities in Baybay.