The Office of the University Registrar (OUR) of Visayas State University made system adjustments after faculty and students alike expressed their confusion on the release of the new midterm examination schedule due to flawed logistics.
Initially, the midterm examination was scheduled last November 7-12 but was moved to November 14-18.
Ms. Marwen A. Castañeda, the University Registrar, emphasized that it was the lack of time, classrooms, chairs, and the difficulty in managing all the 2000+ course subjects that made them reschedule the midterm exam for the week later.
"In all honesty, the Office of the University Registrar fell short in terms of the time of preparation. Given the challenges of the pandemic and the calamities and then the return of face-to-face classes where there is a huge increase of the students and the addition of new degree programs, the hands of the office are full," Ma'am Castañeda explained.
VSU President Dr. Edgardo E. Tulin responded to the struggle of the Registrar and made a job order to hire more staff to help in resolving the said problem.
Dr. Beatriz S. Belonias, Vice President for Academic Affairs, as well as Dr. Kim Aure also assisted the Registrar with their concern.
"It would be a win-win solution for the registrar, students, and the teachers to reschedule the exams," Ma'am Castañeda added.
OUR created a team to further resolve the said issue. This team was composed of two IT experts and 3 other staff to inspect all the classrooms available and integrate all the possible schedules they can have.
“We were able to fix the issue since the midterms are ongoing. We are receiving minor concerns from time to time and making ways to resolve them eventually. We learned our lesson and we hope that by the final exam, we will be able to bounce back and prevent this from happening again," Miss Castañeda concluded.
In addition, a handful of instructors have already administered their midterm examinations last week to lessen the burden on the students and to avert a conflict of schedule during the midterm week.