Seven student journalists from Amaranth, the official student media organization of Visayas State University, presented two projects for the PACE of the Future Camp last October 20-22 at Lyceum of the Philippines Cavite.
This event was part of the Communication and Media Studies Conference 2023 participated by 300 delegates from 40 Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) offering communication and media studies programs around the country.
Ryan Spencer Secadron pitched his project under the camp of Communication and Development Communication, highlighting the proposal in establishing a student organization that provides programs and platforms for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex+ (LGBTQIA+) Viscans.
Meanwhile, Jerry Yubal Jr., Ciann Renel Cazar, and Chubi Soliva introduced the "Amaranth Project" which focuses on the branding of Amaranth towards championing the narratives of the Viscan Community. Their project, co-created by Sean Marcus David, Andrei Carbonilla, and Aveguel Sinangote, was under the Journalism and Broadcasting camp. These projects from various camps were discussed and given valuable insights and recommendations from coaches to further improve them as they implement it in their respective schools or communities.
On the other hand, Dr. Ulderico Alviola, Amaranth's adviser, was elected as one of the Philippine Association of Communication Educators Board of Trustees along with his position as the Vice President for Visayas for 2022-2025. Also, Engr. Jucel Guatlo joined the team at the conference being the newest adviser of Amaranth.
The two-day event held plenary sessions aligned with this year's theme: "Communication and Media Education in the Time of Artificial Intelligence: Values, Ethics, and Practices," emphasizing the impact of emerging technologies in teaching and practicing media and communication in the Philippine setting.