As the centennial week draws near, various activities bring in a hailstorm of celebrations for its students. Viscans watched in bated breath with the official opening of Centennial Booths to the public, marked with a short program held yesterday, April 15 at the Visayas State University (VSU) Upper Oval track.
With Mt. Pangasugan as its backdrop, the program started with a solemn prayer led by the VSU Chorale Ensemble, along with the esteemed guests, college deans, faculties, and audience present. Boosting the event was VSU President Dr. Prose Ivy, welcoming all spectators in the university’s highly anticipated centennial celebration—in about a week to unfold—who expressed her appreciation to participants in the ‘booth making contests’.
“I would like to give an appreciation to all of you for coming up with innovations that mainstream VSU. Your contribution and tireless efforts in preparing and establishing these booths made it a huge success," said Yepes.
Further, Yepes also shared her excitement and thrill for the upcoming days and hoped for the smooth sailing success of the celebration.
“I am hoping for a meaningful and memorable celebration for #ProudViscans on VSU’s 100th Centennial Anniversary. I hope that on the [succeeding] days, we will also have a resounding success.” Dr. Yepes added.

The short program also formally launched the ‘booth making contest’ with the 17 competing participants from colleges, departments, and research centers, 19 booths from student organizations, and 49 booths from commercial exhibitors – bringing the total to 85 booths.

Students, faculties, and visitors also grooved to the rhythm with the culmination of the Sayaw! ‘Pitik Bagtik, dubbed as the “biggest wellness exercise,” in the history of VSU, spearheaded by the Institute of Human Kinetics (IHK).
Various performers from IHK and other groups such as the Baybay Dancing Titas, and Bunga Zlovers took part in the event. Multiple special awards with cash prizes were also given to outstanding participants.