Regional News

BURGLARIZED. Mr. SCUAA candidate, Reigndoulf Quirong's belongings strewn in the floor after being looted. Photo by Jed Asaph Cortes

A laptop and pocket Wi-Fi, which were SLSU properties, were missing.

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VICTORS. Out of 9 pairs of candidates, (from left to right) Juliene Borlasa Araño (2nd runner up), Ken Ian Contado (2nd runner up), Skelly Ivy Florida (Ms. PASUC 2017), Christopher Cinco ((Mr. PASUC 2017), Carmela Rustia (1st runner up), and Carl Lencer Rebadomia (1st runner up) were hailed winners in the Regional Search for Mr. & Ms. PASUC 2017. Photo by VSU Media Team

Cinco and Florida will represent Region VIII, Eastern Visayas in the National Search for Mr. & Ms. PASUC 2017.

They met at the sidelines of SCUAA 2016 to form their organization.

There are 270 delegates, 206 of which are athletes along with the 36 coaches and assistant coaches.

PARTNERS. Mr. Rowil Batan during his speech in the opening of this year's Intramural games. Photo by VSU Web Team

“Instead of going to the universities outside of the Region 8, we’d rather see them (students) in VSU to help the province prosper,” said Mr. Batan

They will represent Eastern Visayas in the national SCUAA games.

Reminders from the Father of Barefoot Journalism, Prof. Ben Domingo Jr.

Four of the winners are Amaranth staff.