
For his 3rd State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr. spoke for 1 hour and 22 minutes, yet not a single minute did he try to address the state of press freedom in the country.

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Like sapa or ‘river’, family dysfunction manifests in both visible and concealed ways; some are messed up that everyone can see the rippling current across the surface, while others are better at hiding it, and unless you’re in the same stream, there’s still riptides that you can’t see.

Every March 5th, the United Nations (UN) launches a global effort to “maintain international peace and security” with the commemoration of the International Day for Disarmament  and Non-proliferation Awareness Day. However, what good is a holiday intended for a cause, when bullets and bombs continue to shower the world in a blatant attempt to attain power and encourage an ideology of violence. 

We're truly fortunate to be experiencing this golden age of technology. Gone are the days when students slaved away over final term papers – now a swift ChatGPT session can save the day. But the magic doesn't stop at essays; they can now also make 'art'. But here's the thing: for as long as we remember, art has been a human-only activity. We learned to make art before we started writing. Our essence is woven into every piece of art we deem authentic. R.S. Mellette says: "Art is what makes us human." But if what makes us human is replicable by machines, where do humans come into this? As it stands now, humanity is slowly becoming obsolete, easily replicated by machine.

The Viscan Student Body has been criticized time and time again to be rather apathetic. It’s been characterized as, although vocal, but timid. Its qualms manifested as a rabid choir of disparate voices, numerous but unorganized, often only addressed when a higher university official deems it important enough to recognize. This certainly seems true especially now with the re-election for the USSC and CSSC, as its initial being declared as “null and void” as it failed to even reach quorum; and the worst part behind it— is that a quorum is defined by the Student Electoral Board (SEB) to simply be 50% of the student body plus one. 

Layunin ng ‘Bagong Pilipinas’ na magkaroon ng maayos na pamamalakad sa gobyerno, pero sa anong katibayan at kasiguraduhan na ang pangakong ito ay hindi sa kanyang pansariling interest at para sa talaga sa benepisyo ng bawat Pilipino? Bilang isang anak ng bayan, mahirap itong asahan ano pa at ang kanyang pamumuno ay may bahid ng mapangahas na nakaraan at magulong kasalukuyan.

After the People Power Revolution ousted his dictator father and namesake four decades ago, Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr finds himself in a strife with a surprising force—his predecessor, former president Rodrigo Duterte.

Distance is a significant challenge for many students in VSU, given its land area. Lucky for those whose classes are in one building, but this is VSU we're talking about, classroom availability is scarce. Students travel kilometers from one class to another with hectic schedules, not to mention some walk with heels on their school shoes. If the Tuyok system works, it could have been a  convenient solution for students by providing a dependable mode of transportation to bridge the gap between distant locations, ensuring timely arrival at classes and activities.

Visayas State University (VSU) is well known for its lush green scenery, offering shade and a calming atmosphere for the students and faculty. However, these past months, the university’s pride in lush greenery has slowly been cut down, in the most literal sense. Native trees ranging from the Eco Park up to the Department of Arts, Letters, and Languages (DALL), Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences (DPSS), and Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management (DTHM) have now been pruned, and Viscans are left questioning the rationale of this action. 

Characterized by vast tracts of rice fields, sandwiched by cordilleras protecting them from typhoons, the Philippines has always been an agricultural haven. With around 45.2% of the nation’s land being dedicated to the production of various agricultural produce, as estimated by the World Bank, and over 40% of Filipino workers employed and reliant on the Agricultural sector according to the Department of Agriculture, it’s