Staff Blogs

Battling with unwelcomed and harmful thoughts for how many years could rob you of so much; family, friends, loved ones, opportunities, and even life itself. It wasn’t the absence of anything that caused me those thoughts, nor to find familiarity in death, it just happened- my mind got sick. 

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True love is felt when we are in our diapers. When we're a baby, we subsist through the love of our parents. And when we're old and sick, we exit life with the comfort of those who love us. The circle of life spins on the axis of unconditional love.

I'll realize that in the end, the reason why I ended up hurting was because this was meant to happen in the first place. Life wanted it to happen, and I could argue that forgiving you was the best takeaway this could give me, but no; it's knowing that my strength allowed me to settle and let things be, and see you happy. Did you ever feel the same way? I guess we’d never know.

Looking back, it all seemed so simple now. What rightful anger I had at the unfairness of the world, I embraced it wholeheartedly, letting it consume me. I almost lost the person I loved dearly, and I lost myself.

Health is a human right. Stop the HIV/AIDS stigma. Join the solidarity.

At some point in our lives, we are presented with choices, two roads to travel, and some have three or more. Just like how we had the chance to chose a college program. We may have different stories about it, but 5 out of 10 stories are about choosing the “wrong” program and only to realize it later.